Adopt, adapt or create an Open Textbook

The Library Open Textbook webpage will answer your questions about finding, adopting, and adapting open textbooks for use in your subjects and teaching and learning activities. The Open Textbook webpage also includes information about creating Open Textbooks and how the library can work with you in this process.

This session, the Library has worked closely with Dr Aila Khan from the School of Business to publish the first Western Open Textbook, Customer Insights The book has been very well received by students who appreciate the free access and the bespoke content that is so closely aligned to the weekly subject topics. Dr Khan will use the student and peer feedback along with comprehensive learning design, editorial and graphic design improvements to publish the 2nd edition with updated Census information for Autumn 2023.

Western Open Textbooks can incorporate interactive H5P elements, videos, knowledge checks and images into the text in a professional published format and also have all the expected features of an e-textbook. Content is published under a Creative Commons licence for ongoing free access.

  1. Open textbooks contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 by providing equitable access for all students to quality education.
  2. Open licenses allow textbooks to be created and edited to reflect current knowledge, diverse voices and provide local context.
  3. Academics can partner with students in the production or review of content.
  4. Open textbooks are iterative in nature and can be quickly revised or extended to suit learning and teaching needs.
  5. Use different types of interactive content, including H5P, to help engage students.

Would you like to adopt, adapt or create an open textbook for your course or subject? Visit the Library Open Textbook webpage for more information.

If you have any questions about open textbooks speak to your School Librarian.