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The library collects details of research outputs into the ResearchDirect institutional repository for the following purposes:

Research Publications

The Australian Research Council (ARC) announced on the 30 August 2022 that an Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation round will not be conducted in 2023.
The ARC has convened an expert working group develop a modern data driven approach for ERA , and you can stay informed about the future direction through their webpage.  
The Library continues to use the 2023 ERA Submission Guidelines to assess the quality of WSU research while we await the future direction of ERA.

Refer to the guidelines about research output inclusion and descriptions in ResearchDirect.

Records for publications that meet the guidelines are discoverable via ResearchDirect and are also harvested by Google, Google Scholar and Trove, increasing their global visibility.

Online access to the full text of the output will be made available where possible, in accordance with publisher embargo policies. Full text access may include:

You can find items only in print with the Library search box.

Research Datasets

The Open Access to Research policy is committed to making the products of research openly available for re-use and citation wherever possible.

Datasets associated with completed research projects are described and retained by the Library in the Research Direct repository, Research Data Australia portal. This increased exposure to Western Sydney University's research output may enable new collaborations and research opportunities.

All finalised datasets are archived with a stable URL or DOI(digital object identifier) for citation purposes. These research outputs can also be made discoverable via your ORCID research profile.

A descriptive record will be retained in the Library's repository for long-term access and archiving. The Library works with ITDS to create secure long-term storage for archived datasets, taking into consideration privacy and access conditions associated with the data